About the Campaign

Every year thousands of children are diagnosed with life-threatening diseases. Thanks to the hard work that researchers around the world are performing, we can one day find solutions to these challenges. Until some years ago the list of these serious diseases was longer, much longer. A number of diseases have since been either totally eradicated or can be treated effectively. This is all thanks to the efforts being put into scientific research, which is a very expensive and time-consuming undertaking.


SUPERHEROES is a local campaign which is intended to create the awareness and to raise the much needed funds for this research to be carried out by scientists at the University of Malta. The Research, Innovation and Development Trust (RIDT) of the University of Malta has joined forces with Piscopo Gardens to raise funds for this campaign.


Your donation is an investment in children’s health. We ensure each Euro received is maximized to its fullest potential–to help our children reach theirs.