
All programmes are in Maltese.

Ricerkaturi Series 5 (2024)

Riċerkaturi S05 E09: Bejgħ u riklamar diġitali – kif qed jaffettwalna ħajjitna – Prof. Franco Curmi Click here to follow this episode

Riċerkaturi S05 E08: Mikrobi u batterji fl-istonku u l-effett tagħhom fuq saħħitna – Prof. Godfrey GrechClick here to follow this episode

Riċerkaturi S05 E07: L-effetti ta’ trawmi fuq id-diskors tat-tfal – Ms Estelle Zahra Click here to follow this episode

Riċerkaturi S05 E06: L-effett tat-tibdil fil-klima fuq il-livelli tal-bahar – konsegwenzi legali u socjo-politici – Dr Antoine Grima Click here to follow this episode

Riċerkaturi S05 E05: Immunotherapy and cancer research – Prof. David Saliba – Click here to follow this episode

Riċerkaturi S05 E04: Maltese Literature – Prof. Adrian Grima – Click here to follow this episode

Riċerkaturi S05 E03: Communication Therapy – Prof. Helen Grech – Click here to follow this episode

Riċerkaturi S05 E02: International Law, Climate Change and Malta’s diplomatic role – Prof. Simone Borg – Click here to follow this episode

Riċerkaturi S05 E01: Riċerkaturi S05 E01: Biomaterials, metallurgy and their industrial applications – Prof. Joseph Buhagiar – Click here to follow this episode

All programmes are in Maltese.

Ricerkaturi Series 4 (2024)

Riċerkaturi S04 E09: Maltese political theatre
– Prof. Marco Galea Click here to follow this episode

Riċerkaturi S04 E08: Sustainable concrete
– Prof. Ruben Paul Borg Click here to follow this episode

Riċerkaturi S04 E07: Tourism and place
– Dr John Ebejer Click here to follow this episode

Riċerkaturi S04 E06: Research in brain tumours
– Dr Claude Julien Bajada Click here to follow this episode

Riċerkaturi S04 E05: Literature and Art in the Modernist era
– Kathleen Vella – Click here to follow this episode

Riċerkaturi S04 E04: Gender Studies, Work-Life Balance – Prof. Anna Borg – Click here to follow this episode

Riċerkaturi S04 E03: Osteoporosis – Prof. Melissa Formosa – Click here to follow this episode

Riċerkaturi S04 E02: Supporting University Research through Philanthropy – Mr Christopher Busuttil DelbridgeClick here to follow this episode

Riċerkaturi S04 E01: Our History in Pottery – Dr John Betts – Click here to follow this episode

All programmes are in Maltese.


Ricerkaturi Series 3 (2023)

Riċerkaturi S03 E13: Artificial Intelligence – applications and regulation – Prof. Jean Paul Ebejer – Click here to follow this episode

Riċerkaturi S03 E12: Using Artificial Intelligence to analyse media content – Dr Dylan Seychell – Click here to follow this episode

Riċerkaturi S03 E11: Philosophy and the Relationship between Humans and Animals – Dr Niki Young – Click here to follow this episode

Riċerkaturi S03 E10: Artificial Intelligence and Bioinformatics – Prof Jean Paul Ebejer – Click here to follow this episode

Riċerkaturi S03 E09: Diabetes and metabolic diseases – Dr Sarah Cuschieri – Click here to follow this episode

Riċerkaturi S03 E08: Marine Biology – Ms Ruth Guillaumier – Click here to follow this episode

Riċerkaturi S03 E07: Emotional intelligence, youth mental health – Dr Nathalie Kenely – Click here to follow this episode

Riċerkaturi S03 E06: Plants for biofuels, seed banks and plastic degradation – Prof Joseph Buhagiar – Click here to follow this episode

Riċerkaturi S03 E05: Medicinal extracts from plants – Prof Joseph Buhagiar – Click here to follow this episode

Riċerkaturi S03 E04: Scientific findings from Maleth space missions – Dr Josef Borg – Click here to follow this episode

Riċerkaturi S03 E03: Research Support Services at UM – Dr Christian Bonnici – Click here to follow this episode

Riċerkaturi S03 E02: Electro Magnetic Research for health – Dr Lourdes Farrugia – Click here to follow this episode

Riċerkaturi S03 E01: Cancer research – Dr Laura Grech – Click here to follow this episode

Ricerkaturi Series 2 (2023)

Riċerkaturi S02 E13: Stabat Mater – RIDT Fundraising Concert – Mro. Christopher Muscat – Click here to listen to this episode

Riċerkaturi S02 E12: Research in Theatre Studies – Prof. Vicki Ann Cremona – Click here to listen to this episode

Riċerkaturi S02 E11: Research in Seismology – Prof. Pauline Galea – Click here to listen to this episode

Riċerkaturi S02 E10: Maleth III – Third Mission to Space – Prof. Joseph Borg – Click here to listen to this episode

Riċerkaturi S02 E09: Sustainable Transport – Prof. Maria Attard – Click here to listen to this episode

Riċerkaturi S02 E08: Eye Study – Prof. Francis Carbonaro – Click here to listen to this episode

Riċerkaturi S02 E07: Intelligent Systems Control and Robotics – Prof. Simon Fabri – Click here to listen to this episode

Riċerkaturi S02 E06: Research in ALS – Prof. Ruben Cauchi – Click here to listen to this episode

Riċerkaturi S02 E05: Colorectal Cancer Research – Prof. Godfrey Grech – Click here to listen to this episode

Riċerkaturi S02 E04: Alternative Energy – Prof. Luciano Mule Stagno – Click here to listen to this episode

Riċerkaturi S02 E03: Research in Malta over the past 40 years – Prof. Alex Felice (P2) – Click here to listen to this episode

Riċerkaturi S02 E02: Research in Thalassemia and Blood Genetics  Prof. Alex Felice (P1) – Click here to listen to this episode

Riċerkaturi S02 E01: Quantum Physics – Prof. Andre Xuereb – Click here to listen to this episode

Ricerkaturi Series 1 (2022)

Riċerkaturi S01 E13: Cancer Research, Stem Cell Research & Malta Hip – Prof. Pierre Schembri-Wismayer – Click here to follow this episode

Riċerkaturi S01 E12: The Electromagnetics Research Group at the University of Malta – Prof. Charles Sammut – Click here to follow this episode

Riċerkaturi S01 E11: Research in Conservation and Built Heritage – Prof. Joanne Cassar – Click here to follow this episode

Riċerkaturi S01 E10: Research in Polycystic Kidney Disease – Prof. Jean Calleja Agius – Click here to follow this episode

Riċerkaturi S01 E09: The University’s vision on Research and Knowledge Transfer – Prof. Simon Fabri – Click here to follow this episode

Riċerkaturi S01 E08: Supporting Cancer Research – Alive Charity Foundation – Nicky Camilleri – Click here to follow this episode – Click here to follow this episode

Riċerkaturi S01 E07: Differenciation Therapy for Cancer Research – Giulia Vassallo Eminyan – Click here to follow this episode

Riċerkaturi S01 E06: Breast Cancer Research – Dr Istvan Mifsud – Click here to follow this episode

Riċerkaturi S01 E05: Research in Parkinson’s Disease, Alzheimer’s and related disorders – Prof Neville Vassallo – Click here to follow this episode

Riċerkaturi S01 E04: Europa Donna’s Support towards Breast Cancer Research – Gertrude Abela – Click here to follow this episode
Riċerkaturi S01 E03: Research on hereditary Heart conditions – Dr Mark Abela – Click here to follow this episode

Riċerkaturi S01 E02: Scientific Experiments and Research through Maleth I & Maleth II (P.2) – Prof. Joseph Borg – Click here to follow this episode

Riċerkaturi S01 E01: Scientific Experiments and Research through Maleth I & Maleth II (P.1) – Prof. Joseph Borg – Click here to follow this episode.